Sunday, 4 September 2016

Europe's Most Powerful Political Parties

I.) In the United Kingdom
II.)  In France
III.) In Germany
IV.) In Russia
V.) Turkey

I.) The United Kingdom

The two major parties in the United Kingdom's Parliamentary system are the Conservatives and the Labor Parties. The Conservative Party is the older of the two, founded in 1834 as its name suggest it is the right-leaning of the two. Its Prime Ministers include the famous Winston Churchill and the infamous Margaret Thatcher. The UK's current Prime Minister, is an intern and Conservative. The Conservatives have been in power since 2010.

The Labor Party was founded in 1900 and is generally center-left. One well-known Prime Minister was Tony Blair who joined George Bush in declaring war on the Taliban and Iraq under Sudan Sustain.

The Labor Party has been criticized for being unappealing to the average Brit while Peter Hitchens has criticized the Conservatives for being dysfunctional. A Labor victory over the Conservatives is unlikely because David Cameroon was still popular when he left office after Brexit and the Migrant Crisis has moved Europe towards the right.

The two other minor parties in Britain are the left-wing Scottish National Party and the Liberal Democrats.

II.) France

France has two major Political Parties: The Socialists and the Republicans. The Socialist Party ("Parti socialiste" in French) is a left-leaning party which was founded in 1969. France's current President, Francois Hollande is a member of the Socialist Party. He was elected in 2013. 

The Republican Party leans right and was founded in 2015 (it is closely linked with the Union for a Popular Movement which was founded in 2002.) 

The most important minor political Party is the far-right National Fronte which is headed by Marine Le Pen. She promises to open the opportunity for the French to vote to leave the EU. A Frexit could end the EU altogether. 

It is possible that Marine Le Pen will receive enough support to become President in 2017. 

III.) Germany

Germany's two major Political Parties are the Christian Democratic Union (formed in 1945) and the Social Democratic Party (founded back in 1863).

The Christian Democratic Party is center-right and headed by Angela Merkel. The Party has been in power since 2005 under Angela Merkel. The Christian Democratic Union has long been denominate since the fall of the National Socialist German Workers Party (otherwise known as the Nazi Party). They denominated the 50's, 60's then again in the 80's and 90's when Chancellor Helmut Kohl maintained power.

The Socialist Democratic Party is center-left and has never held power for more then 9 years and was most powerful in mid 70's and the early 2000's.

When of Germany's emerging parties is the Alternative For Germany which is considered far-right and since May of 2016 is officially anti-Islam.

Germany has an election coming in 2017 and it is unlikely Germany is going to move towards the left. Instead the majority of the vote will likely be held by the Christian Democratic Union and the new Alternative for Germany. It is unclear if the once popular Angela Merkel will run again. Polls suggest Germans are split on whether she should or not.

IV.) Russia

Russia only became a Democracy in 1991 and its survival is questionable. In Russia there are two parties that have proved successful: Our Home--Russia and the Unity Party. OHR was founded in 1995 and was center-right but dissolved in 2005. The Unity Party was founded in 1999 and merged to become United Russia in 2001. The Unity Party/United Russia is the party of Vladimir Putin.

Putin was first elected in 1999 as Prime Minister, in 2000 he became President, in 2008 he became Prime Minister and then in President again in 2012. Therefore he has held Political power since the 90's and actual power sense 1999.

Some have claimed he has become Russia's first Dictator. It is true that has made moves to restrict religious freedom so that one cannot try to convert another to any faith outside of a place of worship.

Russia's left-wing is weak and it is unlikely to gain a foothold while Putin is in power.

V.) Turkey

Turkey has four major parties:

Justice and Development Party: This is the Party of the current President Erdogan. It was founded in 2001 and is considered right-wing.

Republican People's Party: This party began as a political movement in late 1910's. It became a Political Party in 1923; in modern times it was reestablished in 1992. It is center-left.

Nationalist Movement Party: It was founded 1969 and is considered far-right. They are considered Euroskepics.

People's Democratic Party: This is the newest of the party's as it was founded in 2012. It is left-wing and Secular.

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