Saturday, 20 August 2016

Four Regions Likely to Become War Zones

1.) Eastern Europe

Ever since Russian forces worked with Crimeans to have Crimea join Russia. The annexation has been recognized by almost no countries in the international community. After two years Ukraine's President has warned that it will retake Crimea by way of an invasion. Russia is more than capable of ending a war with Ukraine in less than a year: the real danger comes if NATO plans to help Ukraine maintain it's sovereignty.

2.) The Middle East

Israel and Iran have been enemies for decades. What makes war particularly likely is the recent Iran Deal which will give Iran excess to a stronger economy. Israel fears Iran will use this to upgrade its military which is already the second strongest country in the region after Israel. It's likely that Israel will seek to cripple the nation which has so often called for its death within the next five years.

3.)  Western Asia

India and Pakistan have also had a poor relationship since independence from the British. Recently on the 70th anniversary for both countries India's President Modi criticized Pakistan for its treatment of the people of Balochristian; a state in the south-west. This issue has raised tensions between the two countries both of which have nuclear arms.

4.) South China Sea

In south-east Asia China has been building artificial islands in disputed waters. No country in the region has anywhere near the military power to protect their claimed waters. America however has a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines.

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