Friday, 19 August 2016

Countries Where Evangelicals Hold Political Power

I.) Map
II.) The Americas
III.) Africa
IV.) Asia
V.) Oceania

II.) The Americas

In the Americas there are seven highly Evangelical countries: the majority of Evangelicals live in America in which Evangelism has been part of the national identity since the 1730's when the First Great Awakening took place. In the Caribbean the Protestant countries are the most Evangelical: Countries like Jamaica, the Bahamas and Barbados all are more than 30% Evangelical.

In the mainland countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicargua are all Catholic majority countries but that hasn't stopped all three from gaining Evangelical populations from 10% to as much as 31%.

Evangelicalism has grown most quickly in Brazil: In 1970 only 5% of Brazilians identified as Evangelical, just forty years later about a quarter identify as Evangelical. If the trend continues Brazil will be an Evangelical majority country by 2060.

In almost every Latin America country Evangelicals make up more than 10% of the national population.

III.) Africa

The most Evangelical country in Africa is Kenya where over 40% identify as Evangelical. Joining Kenya is nearby Uganda (36.8%), the Central African Republic (33.4%) and Nigeria (30.6%).  82 million Evangelicals lived in these four countries alone in 2010; over 100 million others live throughout sub-Saharan Africa most of whom live in Protestant majority countries.

IV.) Asia

Korea has a history of being highly Christian in fact Pyongyang (now North Korea's capital) was known as the "Jerusalem of the East". This ended in the 1950's as the communist regime sought to wipe out Christianity. In South Korea Christianity grew so that today more than 20% of South Koreans identify as Evangelical. The Koreans along with the Chinese are known to be particularly devout. In South Korea's case it sends out more missionaries than every country except for America. They do this despite the fact there are only about 12 million Korean Evangelicals (compared to America's Evangelical population of 90 million in 2010.)

In all other Asian countries Evangelicals make up less than 10% of the total population.

V.) Oceania 

In Oceania the most Evangelical countries are Papua New Guinea and the Marshall Islands. Evangelism is however common on almost every island; the major exemption being Funtuna Islands where less than 3% of the inhabitants identify as Evangelical.

In Australia, a country of 24 million people, between 10-15% identify as Evangelical.

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