Tuesday, 25 October 2016

What if Western Canada Separated?

It probably won't happen at least in our life times or ever but let's say it did.

For those non-Canadians out there Canada has ten Provinces and three territories; while most Canadians live in Ontario and Quebec much of the energy economy comes from Western provinces like Alberta. But in this alternative world not only does the oil-rich province of Alberta separate it brings Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia with to forming a new country: Western Canada.

What would this new country and the rest of Canada look like?

I.) Population

II.) Religion

III.) Political leanings

IV.) Ethnicities

V.) Economy

Population: In 2011 the Western Provinces had a population of a little more than 10 million This means that by 2020 the population of Western Canada would be about 12 million.  Making it the 76th largest country on the planet (smaller than South Sudan but larger than Rwanda.)

Religion: While most Canadians in Ontario and Quebec are Catholic Western Canada would be more Protestant. If the Religious Demographics stayed the same as they were in 2011 the country would be:

36.4% Protestant

35.6% No religious affiliation 

21% Catholic

4.9% Other

2.1% Muslim

Political leanings:

In terms of left or right Western Canada would take a hard turn to the right. Alberta and Saskatchewan have been the most conservative provinces federally they've been counter balanced by Ontario and Quebec. In the newly formed country there would be a notable split: If you lived on the west side of the Rockies you would have the Left-wing British Colombia whereas just a few miles to the east it would be very Conservative. 

The rest of Canada as a result of the separation would most swiftly to the left to the point where a Right-leaning Prime Minister probably wouldn't come to power until at least the 2030's. 

It is even possible that a type of "Political Exodus" would occur where Right-wing Ontarians would move to Alberta and Saskatchewan.


British Islander: 43%  

German: 17.5%  

French: 10.3%

Asian: 18.5%

Native: 8.9%

African: 1.5%  

Other: 10.3%

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